How I understand close encounters of the second kind?

Here energy manifests a little bit more.

Here we go beyond what may be mere optical illusions...

It can happen to you...

Here I consider a kind of warning to be wise.

You never know.

After all, we are all invoking strange phenomena.

What if you happen to encounter incidents like the following...

Electro-magnetic effects...

Which may have occurred at the same time a UFO was seen.

Or this may be just an electrical normal occurrence.

Or unusual animal reactions...

Animals don’t respond to rationalism or skepticism.

They react spontaneously and naturally, from fear.

This could be nevertheless an apparent normal reaction.

In the past two examples you could very well question the origin of such supposed abnormal phenomena

It may still be debatable and subjective.

But once again, what if...

You happen to be in a position to witness this kind of situation?

These are called 'radar visuals'.

And many of these have been simultaneously witnessed by naked eye observers, both on the air and ground.

How can we ignore the word of expertly trained operators?

After all, their word is backed up by...

Tangible echo returns...

Maneuvers completely beyond the abilities of any known aircraft...

 And ground speeds of up to six thousand m.p.h from unidentified intruders.

I guess you can agree with me that all this kind of evidence is very hard to deny.

Up to this point these three cases are a representation of electromagnetic anomalies and disturbances.

If you observe well, energy manifestation (in comparison to close encounters of the first kind) has escalated to a point where energy manifestation has materialized in a more tangible way.

Here we start defying subjectivity...

But going further, what if you suddenly encounter this...

Angel hair...

Or siliceous cotton.

It is sticky and fibrous...

Very much like a spider web.

Reports affirm that this substance disintegrates or evaporates within a short time of forming.

It's presence has been widely connected to UFO sightings (or Virgin Mary manifestations!).

A theory believes it is formed from "ionized air sleeting off an electromagnetic field" enclosing a UFO.

Up to this point subjectivity can still play mind games with us, so you can still say it may be a curious and peculiar spider web.

But as we will see, an energetic door has begun to open more, and energy itself has escalated more...

So be prepared to encounter new and more drastic forms of energetic and material manifestations...

Just like this landing trace.

You could encounter depressed grass or soil...

Burned or broken vegetation...

Residues and more exotic traces.

Or situations where you can recognize there was physical interaction between a UFO and its environment.

Here unusual energy manifestation is much harder to deny.

But energy manifestation doesn't end here.

It can increase to a point where you could suddenly experience something like this...

A vehicle interference.

Where engine disruption is a common phenomenon.

Then the engine restarts itself without assistance from the driver after the UFO departs.

Still subjective?

Want more energy?

More strange physical materialization and manifestations?

What about this...

You may be in danger of exposing yourself to this kind of very strong energy radiation if you happen to be on a car near an UFO as on the vehicle interference case.

Besides the psychological effects after the UFO encounter.

Up to this point your awareness regarding close encounters of the second kind may be expanding.

For sure this kind of energy manifestation in your life is beyond illusion.

How could you deny this kind of event if you happen to encounter it in your life?

The governments don't ignore UFOS' crash retrieval.

In the end I came to understand that close encounters of the second kind have different ways to manifest themselves, through different kind of energetic manifestations.

As there are different kind of crop circles.

Which to me they are also different kind of energetic manifestations.

They represent a different and unique kind of energy vibration, just as every color represents a different energetic frequency.

To me each symbol communicates a different message.

What do they want to communicate?

So many messages...and mysteries.

Remember that there are no coincidences.

So once again, and as I have been trying to tell you, if you happen to experience any of the energetic manifestations regarding close encounters of the second kind then an obligatory question arises in your life...


There may be a very profound reason behind.

One that has the power to impact and transform your life forever.

So take into account something...


The same energy your life depends on.

The same energy that is interrelated with consciousness and unconsciousness.

Remember that energy IS attention.

Your attention perceive more when there is light?

Your awareness perceive less when there is darkness?

Why would your consciousness perceive only physical evidence?

This pattern is a building block...

Of light and darkness...

Of consciousness and unconsciousness...

I believe that if UFOS can master the forces of light and darkness...

Then they have the power to manipulate energy and consequently have also the power to affect your attention and awareness.

They can take you from a state of being unaware...

To different kinds of awareness...

On this case witnessing UFOS Landing and their occupants maybe a proof that your awareness is moving within a different and more profound bandwidth than that regarding close encounters of the first kind, but not so deep as the next type of close encounter (third kind).

Here is a stronger manifestation that energy is shifting substantially in your life.

BEING AN EYEWITNESS DEPENDS ON AWARENESS (voluntarily or involuntarily).

So what do close encounters of the second kind can finally mean?

Understand this...

These level and type of close encounters may very well represent an omen in your life.

 You are on the verge of contact.

 They give you an idea of what kind of frequency you are vibrating at.

You are resonating with them.

You are vibrating at their same frequency band.

Otherwise you would never be able to perceive them.

Not everyone has the chance, no matter what.

A vortex has opened in your life.

 Close encounters of the second kind symbolize the second circle of this spiral...

The continuing of a possible journey.

I have learned to consider these kind of encounters like a bridge where if you take advantage from it you can escalate to higher circles and frequencies.

The eyewitness would have to manipulate energy and awareness on a more profound level to access this kind of mystery.

Only that so many people doesn't take advantage of these very special  moments, and let them pass by.

 They get scared or amazed or paralyzed...

But never take real advantage of the monumental energetic opportunity.

And as soon as the chance goes away, a door closes...maybe forever.

Because the presence of close encounters of the second kind in your life means you have a chance...

A chance to make an energetic quantum leap in your life...

And expand your awareness...

So you can open and explore other kind of energies and experiences, like the following types of close encounters.


If this symbol appears in your life...

 Contact seems closer...

Being at day or night...

Watch out, and remember...

The door has now opened...for you.

And you are now on the threshold of contact.

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